hot dog, dog, wiener, weenie, man meat, meat, salami, sausage, weenie, banana, lollipop, creamsicle, popsicle, dreamsicle...

middle leg, third leg, love bone, bone, boner, hard-on...

skin flute, joystick, palm pilot, wanker, saxophone, trumpet, the horn, ding dong, tallywhacker, jack-in-the-box, jack toy, the cream cannon, pogo stick, magic wand...

man tool, tool, jackhammer, hammer, ball peen hammer, bayonet, spear, sword, crankshaft, rod, steel rod, shaft, pipe, pole, poker, drill, bolt, screw, screwer, pistol, dip stick, torpedo, rocket, piston, pillar of power...

snake, trouser snake, one-eyed snake, one-eyed monster, Italian stallion, donkey kong, man's best friend...

So what other names do you have for the beloved penis????
(BTW, three of these pics are of MY penis! Can you guess which ones?)