[This is a reblog of my exact post on my man2man tumblr today]

I just had my 4th year anniversary on tumblr!!!!

And I am not done yet!!!
I started with 1 tumblr 4 years ago… and now I have 4 tumblrs for you to enjoy…Between the 4 of them, I have made nearly 35,000 posts which averages out to about 24 posts a day…
And thanks to all of you, I have about 24,000 followers combined on all 4 of my tumblr blogs…
I have to be honest with you, I never dreamed 4 years ago that this would’ve evolved to what it has… I never even presumed to think that I would have any followers… my favorite fuck buddy son got me started with tumblr... and it was just a way to get our rocks off together and separately… but soon it became more… and eventually leading to what you find today on my 4 tumblrs….

BUT here below IS a recent pic of my jeans unzipped and my hard cock exposed just for you to see… hehehehe… hope you like… along with all the other things I post on all 4 of my tumblrs!!!!