I am a bi-guy who enjoys playing with college-aged guys... Hot vids, stories, and pics of two guys always get me very excited... whether they be father/son type scenarios or of two hot young college dudes fucking... You will find a variety of things on this blog... Most of the blogs are true personal experiences... or based on true experiences... sometimes mixed with some fantasy...
Pics and vids I took of myself early one morning while chatting with a hot "son" online... shared with him... and now sharing with you!
Still dark... waking up... my cock throbbing... needing attention... I grab it... and start jerking it... while chatting with "son"... and snapping a pic of it...
I get fucking hornier after sending "son" that first pic... my cock gets bone hard... I rub it... stretch the foreskin back and forth... feeling good... feeling fucking good... so damn horny... I snap pic after pic for "son" to see....
"Son" always gets very excited when he sees pics of my cock with my wedding ring showing! I know he loved all these pictures I sexted to him! Damn... just the thoughts of HIM getting fucking excited caused the precum to start dripping like crazy from my dick!
Then I got all the more excited... so damn hard... so fucking horny... so wanting to fuck around with another guy... wishing son was there in the bed with me... the two of us waking up together with hard cocks pressing against male skin... and we start fucking around... cock2cock... man2man... dad2son.... The more I thought about this the more excited I got... so excited that I started shooting vid clips of myself jerking off... just for "son" to see what was happening right then and there in my bed that early morning...
The first vid... starting out jerking:
The second vid... getting more excited:
The third vid... the climax is building:
The fourth vid... here it cums:
Man... son... the things you make me feel... the things you make me do... the things you make me want with you!!!!
While we think it would be so fucking hot to get involved with someone at work, we all know that we are taking some great risks if we attempt to get into the pants of someone who we aren't 100% sure will go for it... I thought I had found a fucking hot guy at work a few years back that wanted it as much as I did... In fact, I was positively sure that he did... so I made the attempt... but fuck... this one didn't turn out right... This experience came back to mind last week when I went to lunch with a 23 year old sexy hot construction worker that works for me... a guy that I would love to get in bed... I was telling one of my "sons" about him, and he encouraged me to make the attempt... BUT, I backed away from it when I remembered the risk I took a few years back and how it came out...
Afterall, it IS easier to get with someone who is a stranger than with someone you know... There is always that risk if you are not OUT... but with someone you work with or live near or know, well, the risks are definitely compounded... Here is the account of the risk I took at work:
I had a coworker several years ago that to this day I'm fucking sure he is bi. For about 2 years he would flirt around with me. If we went to lunch and there was a car load of people he would always sit next to me in the backseat. The slightest little turn or curve or bump he would "accidentally" bump against my thigh, or side, or shoulder. He would apologize at first but the accidental touching continued throughout the ride and lingered longer and longer until neither one of us moved apart from each other...
Then he would get out of the car and I almost always saw a fucking telltale wetspot on his pants! This happened time and time again...
Then one day after this went on for probably 2 years, it was just the two of us there to go to lunch. I thought, "FUCK! I'm going to make a move!" So I started a conversation. I said that I had a dream the night before and I woke up and thought it was fucking true... thinking that it had really happened. With a serious straight face, I said, "We were both there naked and our cocks were hard and we were jerking ourselves off and then we reached over and started jerking each other off!"
He got a sexy grin on his face and his gorgeous blue eyes were dancing with pleasure as I was telling him about my dream. I continued that I was surprised we got into a 69 and started sucking each other off. He smiled super fucking big then as I was telling him about that part of the dream.
When we got to the restaurant and got out of the car, I could see that he had a growing bulge in his pants.
He acted very giddy and said, "That was some dream, wasn't it?" He asked me in a very sexy way if I had really dreamed all that.
My response was, "yeah!" You could tell that he was enjoying the thought of all of that, and when we would talk about some other things other than that dream, he would bring the conversation back around to the dream.
I have to admit, but I didn't tell him, that I hadn't really dreamed that the night before... although I had dreamed and daydreamed about fucking around with him many a time in the past. I told him that the dream was so fucking vivid and real that I thought we were really doing it!!!
Well, anyway, it got to be time to leave the restaurant and head back to work. When he got up from the booth in the restaurant, I could see that he had a full hard on in his pants!
AND that fucking telltale wetspot again!
On the way back to work, as he would talk to me about different things, he kept reaching over and touching my leg or my side or my shoulder or whatever, and just kind of lingered with his hand there. AND I fucking thought "we are going somewhere... we are going to end up fucking around together!"
The rest of the day at work went as normal and neither one of us acted like anything had happened at lunch because there were several people around us in the office.
That night I really DID have a dream about fucking him! Seriously! I DID! I fucking DID dream that!
I was not prepared for what happened the next morning when I got to work. He came into my office and said "I don't want to ever hear about any of your fucking dreams ever again. You just keep that damn stuff to yourself. That's nothing I ever fucking want a part of."
Now I knew that he was fucking lying... that he really did want it... I could tell... for the last 2 years that he'd been wanting it! I could tell by the wetspots. I could tell by the touching. I could tell by the flirting. I could tell by the way he smiled. I could tell by the way he reacted when we touched accidentally or otherwise. I could tell by the bulges in his pants. I could tell by our conversation the day before at lunch. I could tell by so many fucking ways that he really did want to fuck around... BUT he was telling me the exact opposite now!
After that, he kept his distance. He would never sit next to me whenever we rode in a car. He would never go to lunch with me alone. He made life miserable for me at work.
I knew that guilt and fear had set in with him after our previous conversation about my dream and that was how he reacted... wanting to distance himself from the desires and feelings he was experiencing inside himself. I had known from previous experiences with guys that quite often guilt and fear do set in... and I back away some... but then they usually come back around because their desires take over and they want it so fucking badly. So I thought that might happen with him. But he never let on again... and ever since then I've always been somewhat leery to let anyone at work have a clue about me being bi and liking to fool around with dudes.
And to think there was about 2 fucking years of him leading me on... dammit!!!! All for fucking nothing except for grief from him in the end.
Have I had experiences that ended in an opposite way? Similar events that have led to fucking with guys? FUCK YEAH! But... I'm still extra careful about initiating anything with a coworker... not taking the risks I would with guys elsewhere.
So can you relate? Have you had similar experiences like this in your life? Taking a risk with a coworker? Be extra fucking careful! Don't let it backfire on you like it did with me!
I am a bi-guy who enjoys playing with college-aged guys... Hot vids, stories, and pics of two guys always get me very excited... whether they be father/son type scenarios or of two hot young college dudes fucking... You will find a variety of things on this blog... Most of the blogs are true personal experiences... or based on true experiences... sometimes mixed with some fantasy... I hope you like my accounts of experiences with guys from college age on up... When I write these down, I actually relive the experiences and get fucking excited all over again!! Hopefully YOU will also... btw, feel free to make comments on any of my posts....