The four college friends had gone camping up in the mountains. They had gotten to talking about their girlfriends, their sex with their girlfriends, comparing notes about what each had done and what it was like. They were all getting fucking horny talking about it. Jeff pulled out his damn hard cock first.and started stroking. Brandon followed soon after. Steven was fondling his dick through his jeans but soon fished it out to get a better feel on it. David was reluctant but as the guys all continued to talk about their sexual experiences and exploitations with their chicks, he finally whipped his also very erect penis out into the open.
While they all continued to brag about their sexual prowess, Brandon said, "Hey, who has the biggest dick of the four of us?"
They all looked back and forth across the engorged penises being fisted by each. All wanted to claim to have the biggest. Brandon actually voiced that he thought his was by far the biggest. This brought groans from the others, and Jeff said, "The fuck it is, yours looks like the smallest to me. Stand up here next to me... Steven, David... whose is bigger mine or Brandon's?"
Without hesitation, both the guys declared Jeff's to be bigger. But then Brandon said, "Well, asshole, I think Steven's is bigger than your prick! Stand up there next to Jeff, Steven... see if yours is bigger... fuck... look at that, Jeff, haha... Steven's got you beat by a fucking inch!"
And then Jeff said, "Yeah... but I think David is the fucking overall winner... damn, dude... look at your dick... fucking huge... so damn thick and long... and uncut to boot... ha... I bet you scare the chicks with that monster tool!"
David blushed, and then answered, "I've never had any complaints from any of the girls I've fucked! They all seem to crave my steel rod in their cunts!"
Brandon said, "Well, fuck... it really isn't how big it is... they say size matters... but it fucking doesn't... it's all in how you use your pecker!"
They all four agreed. And someone said, "Sure would be nice if we had some chicks up here to fuck right now... damn, I'm fucking horny."
"Me too..." the entire group chimed in.
Then Jeff asked a question, "Have any of you dudes ever fucked your girls up the ass?"
"No" was answered by the other 3 guys, and David asked, "Have you, man?"
Jeff grinned, "Yeah... I have... actually the first time was when this chick and I ended up in a 3way with another dude. He had his cock buried in her pussy and then he told me I should fuck her tight ass at the same time... so I did... damn that was tight... felt different than pussy but still fucking hot!"
"You're shitting us, Jeff," said Brandon.
"Fuck no... I'm not shitting you... it's the fucking honest truth. Damn... wish I had some chick's pussy or ass to fuck right now...my cock needs it fucking bad... look at my precum leaking!"
The guys all looked and laughed, realizing that all four of them were leaking the natural lube from the tips of their penises.
Then Jeff asked another question, "Any of you dudes ever fuck another dude's ass?"
"Fuck no!" was the answer from all around, followed by, "Have you?"
"Well, actually," Jeff started... "Actually yes... in that 3way where I fucked the chick's ass while the dude was fucking her pussy... well, she wanted me to... she told me to pull out of her ass and fuck his ass while he was fucking her vagina... so I ummm... well, I did... cause she wanted me to... Actually I didn't feel much difference between her ass and his. Both were fucking tight around my cock. Damn, I'm so fucking boned... all this sex talk... fuck I need some pussy to drill... fuck... I'd settle for a chick's ass right now! haha..."
"Yeah, I bet you would... and knowing you, fag boy, you'd probably settle for one of our hot tight man asses right now, wouldn't you queer boy? Since you've already fucked one before!" Brandon quipped.
Jeff responded by saying, "Fuck, Brandon, don't fucking knock it til you've fucking tried it!"
"Well, then fag boy... since you said that, then how about I do just that starting with your damn ass! haha... let me fuck your ass and see what it's like."
Silence. A long silence. Nobody said anything. They had all shed their clothes long before and were sitting in a circle naked, horny, and hard... all of them tugging at their dicks. Still silence. They looked back and forth at each other without a word... nobody daring to say anything.
Finally Jeff broke the silence... "Okay, Mr. Fucking Big Shot Brandon... I'll do it... I'll let you... on one fucking condition! That you let Mr. Biggest Dick Dave fuck your ass! haha... I fucking dare you to let him... if you will then I'll agree for you to try mine!"
Silence again... David blushed again... Jeff grinned... Steven just watched... and Brandon stood up and said... "Okay.. I'll take the dare... If I fuck your ass first then I'll let Dave fuck mine!"
David was wide-eyed...especially when Steve said, "Well, hey... let me in on some of this sex! How about I fuck Dave while Brandon fucks Jeff... and then when you switch off and Dave fucks you, Brandon, then I'll let Jeff fuck me.... game?"
And the fucking began... Brandon fucked Jeff, Steve fucked Dave, Dave fucked Brandon, Jeff fucked Steve. The fucking continued until every combination had been matched... all four had been fucked by all the others and all four had fucked all the others...
Then when they were all exhausted and spent from fucking and cumming so much, Steve summed it up with, "Damn, who would've ever thought that we'd do anything like this with a bunch of guys? But I for one am definitely not fucking sorry in the least that this happened. In fact, this was so fucking hot, I'd be willing to do it all over again another time!"
All of the college boys nodded in agreement!
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