Monday, June 11, 2012

Anonymous Wrote... I Answered...

The following was posted on my tumblr today...

ANONYMOUS WROTE:  You're a fucking idiot. I never said ABSOULUTELY ANYTHING about bisexuals, pansexuals or anyone. I look down on cheaters. You are not bi. I know blenty of bisexuals, and you are just a closeted homosexual-- which isn't wrong, but it's pathetic that you're lying to yourself. And no one is better than anyone because of the amount of sex one has or does not have, you imbecile. Either divorce whoever you're married to, and then fuck around as much as you want. Cheating is so not fucking okay.

 I ANSWERED:  I started to not answer the latest two hate filled comments from anonymous. But I decided, in the spirit of the quote from Robert Frost I posted on June 7 (click here to see quote), that I would not be bullied into silence AND I would not let someone else define me.

Anon is obviously responding to my response to his first comments which I posted on June 5 (click here to see post).

Interesting words you chose to describe me, anon…

“idiot” ~~ “an offensive term for describing someone affected with severe mental retardation,” OR “a foolish or stupid person” ~~ Well, I know I am not severely mentally retarded and I don’t appreciate anyone using such derogatory words about family and friends that do have mental retardation. I am not stupid; I have advanced degrees. But I will admit to sometimes being foolish as described by the definition of “lacking in sense, judgment, or discretion.” Most people I know from time to time lack at least some of these.

“lying” ~~ you say I am lying to myself about my enjoying man2woman… How would YOU know if that is or is not true? How do YOU know what makes my dick HARD? If you were with me (thank heavens you are NOT), then you would find my penis getting aroused from looking at both males and females, from looking at men having sex with women, from looking at men having sex with men, from man2woman sexual encounters, AND from man2man sexual encounters. My cock doesn’t lie!

“not bi” ~~ You said that you never said ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING about bisexuals. No, you didn’t use the word “bisexual” in the first post, but it was MOST DEFINITELY implied when you questioned my enjoyment for man2woman sex and talked about my cock getting HARD for only dick. Bisexuality is “characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward both sexes,” so you were most definitely saying by your words that I am NOT bisexual. But the case is that I do have sexual desires for both men and women. You also say that you know plenty (or your actual word “blenty”) of bisexuals. Strange how you can make an inference about my bisexuality because you know bi people AND yet you do not know me! (Oh, and no we never talked anything about pansexuality…)

“closeted homosexual” ~~ Well, as already indicated, I am bisexual and not homosexual so I cannot be a closeted homosexual. But it is true that most people do not know that I have sexual desires for men as well as women. So what’s that anyone else’s business anyway? I don’t go around telling everyone I meet everyday that I love fucking women… nor do I go around telling them that I love fucking men. Now, on my blogs, well, that is a different matter… that is the purpose of blogs, to express oneself. Usually people that follow a blog do so because they like what they see and enjoy it and associate with it. So why are you following my blog? Do you like what you see? Enjoy it? Associate with it? OR are you “lying to yourself” about your sexuality and therefore love finding others to judge and condemn in order to make yourself feel better?

“imbecile” ~~ “An offensive term referring to a person affected with moderate mental retardation” ~~ well, I’ve already mentioned above that I do not have severe mental retardation… neither do I have moderate. Again, I detest these derogatory terms for people. (BTW, what does one’s intellectual ability have to do with their sexual desires?)

“pathetic” ~~ I am not sure exactly which definition you are using when you call me “pathetic.” Perhaps all of them. ~~ 1) Maybe I “have the capacity to move you to either compassionate or contemptuous pity.” Okay, so I know it isn’t “compassionate pity” to which I have moved you. 2) Maybe I am “marked by sorrow or melancholy; sad.” Well, that can sometimes be said of me. 3) Or perhaps you think I am “pitifully inferior or inadequate.” And the standard for superiority and adequacy? I don’t know what standard you are using, but obviously not the same one I use. 4) And finally, the definition you may be applying to me… “absurd, laughable.” Maybe my desires seem very absurd to you… maybe you have no cognizance of what my feelings and desires are about. But until you have walked a day (or really, a lifetime) in my shoes, you will not even begin to understand what is inside of me.

Oh, by the way, I didn’t say that anyone is better or not because of the AMOUNT of sex he or she has. I did say, “WE are better off than YOU since you are limited to only one side of the world of sex!!!!” That really was a sarcastic remark, prefaced by “haha” ~~ but I do feel better off because I do enjoy sex with both women and men. But no, I am no better than those that only prefer one sex or the other (whether str8 or gay) or no sex at all.

For the record, in the English language, if you use “either” then you have to have an “or.” You didn’t give me the “or.” You gave me only one choice, “divorce.” The other option, I suppose, is implied… “don’t have sex with men (or women) other than my spouse.”

Okay, I agree with you when you describe me as “cheating” ~~ That’s one of my many negatives, vices, sins, or whatever. Perhaps you are without any sin, or indiscretions, or wrongdoing, or evil ways (or however you wish to describe shortcomings) in your life. All I know is that I have never met a perfect person EVER. So how about we list your sins so we can judge and condemn you for what you commit or omit? Some people rate sins as from worst to not so bad… others rate them all the same… sin is sin… whatever… so go ahead and disclose your bad stuff… let us have a chance to judge you… BUT, like I said at the end of my other answer, “as far as cheating on my married partner… hmmmmm… what’s it to YOU????? I’m not married to YOU… and I’m NOT fucking around with YOU…” so just exactly how does this affect YOU?

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